Saturday, April 14, 2012


I guess you know you are in Texas when you see statues like this at the top of local businesses. This is in downtown San Antonio.

A highlight of Kay's visit to San Antonio, was to meet fellow artists Ugur and Susan! Kay confided to me that, yes, artists are artists everywhere . . . we ALL have lots of STUFF! We caught them right in the middle of moving day, so we all jumped in to help any way we could. My bad timing aside, we have had a great visit with our two delightful hostesses.

As you may or may not know, it's NOT an adventure in San Antonio without a visit to the the Riverwalk.

While Mike and I were both distracted by the photo references EVERYWHERE, clicking happily away, Kay managed to sneak off and take a skinny dip in the river. Her excuse was that it was turning dusky anyway and no one would distinguish her from the mallards and pigeons happily splashing about . . . really Kay?? That's the best you could come up with??!

Well . . . as the saying goes . . . . . whatever happens in (insert location here), in this case, TEXAS, stays in TEXAS! I have a feeling we will inserting a lot of locations in the near future . . . just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kay!
    What a marvelous adventure. It's wonderful to see your artist friends Ugar and Susan looking so happy and healthy. You must have been a real blessing to them on moving day!

    I know you're under a very discerning eye on your adventure, but do try to get in as many fun splashes as you can. It's supposed to be FUN! Flap your wings, circle high and wide, and squawk loud and long!

    Thanks for the pics and the updates Kay!

    Much love,
